Top things to do in Płock (Poland)

Discovering Płock

Płock, Poland is a beautiful city that is rich in history, culture, and attractions. From the stunning Wzgórze Tumskie to the charming Stary Rynek, visitors to Płock will be amazed by the city's enchanting atmosphere. In this travel guide, we will take a closer look at some of the top tourist attractions in Płock, Poland.

Exploring the Historical Sites

Płock is a city that is steeped in history, so it is only natural that we start our tour by exploring some of the city's most important historical sites. One of the most impressive historical sites in the city is the Wzgórze Tumskie. This historic hill is home to the Płock Cathedral, which is one of the oldest cathedrals in Poland. Visitors can also explore the Odwach and the Wieża Zegarowa, two historical towers that offer stunning views of the city. For a glimpse into Płock's medieval past, visitors can head to the Stary Rynek where they will find charming cobblestone streets and buildings that date back to the 13th century.

Enjoying the Outdoors

Płock is a city that is blessed with many beautiful outdoor spaces, and visitors should definitely take some time to explore these areas. The Molo is a popular spot for visitors, and it is a great place to take a stroll and enjoy the beautiful views of the Vistula River. The Ogrody Światła is a beautiful park that is filled with lush greenery and beautiful flower beds. Visitors can also explore the Tężnia Solankowa, a salt inhalation facility that is perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating.

Immersing in Art and Culture

Płock is a city that is rich in art and culture, and visitors will have plenty of opportunities to immerse themselves in these areas. The Muzeum Mazowieckie is a great place to start, as it is the oldest museum in Poland and offers a wide range of exhibits on history and art. For those interested in more contemporary art, the Rogatki Warszawskie is a gallery that specializes in modern art. Visitors can also explore the Ulica Grodzka, a street that is lined with charming galleries, shops, and cafes.

Discovering Monuments and Memorials

Płock is a city that has been shaped by many important figures throughout its history, and visitors can learn more about these people by exploring the city's monuments and memorials. The Pomnik św. Królowej Jadwigi is a beautiful monument that pays tribute to Saint Jadwiga, a beloved queen of Poland. The Józef Piłsudski monument is another important landmark, as it honors one of Poland's most important statesmen. Visitors can also explore the Bolesław III Krzywousty monument, which honors a legendary Polish king.

Exploring Unique Attractions

In addition to its many historical sites, parks, and monuments, Płock is also home to some unique attractions that visitors won't find anywhere else. The Jaskinia is an underground tunnel system that is shrouded in mystery and legend. Visitors can also explore the Okno Papieskie, a window that was once used by the Pope to address the people of Płock. For something truly unique, visitors can check out the Zegar Analematyczny, a massive sundial that is situated in the center of the city.


Płock, Poland is a city that is full of surprises, and visitors will be enchanted by the city's history, culture, and attractions. Whether you're exploring the stunning Wzgórze Tumskie, enjoying the beautiful outdoor spaces, or immersing yourself in art and culture, there is always something new and exciting to discover in Płock. So plan your visit today and start exploring this amazing city!

(Links to attractions mentioned in the guide:

Wzgórze Tumskie -

Molo - Bulwar Stanisława Górnickiego

Stary Rynek - Rynek

Jaskinia - Rybaki

Wieża Zegarowa - Tumska 2

Odwach - Tumska 4

Ogrody Światła - Tumska 1

Płock Cathedral - Tumska 1

Pomnik św. Królowej Jadwigi - Szymona Kossobudzkiego 10

Józef Piłsudski monument - plac Obrońców Warszawy

Bolesław III Krzywousty monument - Piekarska

Okno Papieskie - Plac Gabriela Narutowicza 10

Zegar Analematyczny - Norbertaśka 2

Muzeum Mazowieckie -

Rogatki Warszawskie - aleja Jana Kilińskiego 8A

Ulica Grodzka - Grodzka

Tężnia Solankowa - Medyczna)